
Thursday, January 13, 2011

RaNt! - 2 Things that infuriate me and if provoked I would probably snap

1- Piece of shit (pardon my french) cars with a loud "fart machine" exhaust. To make matters worse if you drive it like an idiot or if you are one of those people who feel the need to rev your engine like you are at the starting line at the Daytona 500 . You sir are lucky I don't carry a gun! Do yourself and the people around you a favor and put the original quiet exhaust back on. Your a TOOL you don't need to let everyone else around you know that as well.

2- Gilbert Gottfried is the most annoying, ugly, squinty motherfuckin comedian I have ever known. Even the sound of his voice makes me cringe with hatred! I don't understand how people can find him funny when all I want to do is strangle him. This may sound excessive as I do not regularly feel this way towards people but there he is just one person that turns my knuckles white.

Ohh Wait!! Gilbert Gottfried driving a fart machine!! If I ever witnessed It would probably black out in a fit of rage, and awake covered in blood surrounded by police hahaha .......................... Serious tho.

Everything else I can handle calmly !


Just getting this picture made my blood pressure Rise.

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