Oh ladies! look at how douchie I am. |
To those who rock a chin strap beard, I am not here to insult you I am only hear to educate you. Lets face it! I dont expect everyone to have a fashion sense or be current with the newest trends because i have neither.
Mugatu |
Chin Strap Beards on the other hand need to be addressed.
They just make you look like a Douche!
In Park and your still annoying people with your gayness |
Do not think that I am the only one with theses feeling towards your offensive facial hair, their are millions of others who will agree with me. When I see man with a chin strap in public I instinctively dislike you. Even though you may very well be a nice person my first impression is that you are a Douche. Think of it this way, its like adding a loud farty exhaust to your honda civic. Im sure you get my point now.
Exhibit. A.
Pecker Thin
Flaming Douche |
WHY? is correct! A pencil thin chin strap looks as though you decided to shave your face but at the last second stopped. Maybe your batteries in your electic razor ran out, maybe you were interrupted by a episode of Jersey Shore. Either way Just KEEP GOING and shave it off and you wont look like a douche anymore. Well.. if you still had spiked hair and orange skin like this guy your still a douche, but thats a hole other can of worms.
Chin Memories
Sympathetic Douche |
This one I can Sympathize with. Your fat and you miss your chin so in order to get it back you leave a strap of hair to remind you where your jaw line used to be before you were obese. You have three options here, 1- You can go on a diet to lose weight until your chin is visible again and shave your face. Or 2- You can shave your face and accept that you will never see your chin again as it is suffocated by your fat. And finally 3- You can grow a real mans beard to hide your chinlessness thus becoming that bearded fat man that everyone loves!
Respectable ! |
If I can get one person to shave their chin strap off then I have done my job. It is up to you the readers to circulate this message in hopes that eventually the world will be Chin Strap FREE! You Strap-ons may just think that everyone around you is laughing at some joke but they are actually laughing at you and your stupid chin strap. So Save yourselves the embarrassment and humiliation, loose the Chin Strap and you will lose the douche (appearance)!!
hey bitch, the "obese" dude was a great musician and he's dead now, i dont like you using him as an example, plus why do you care if sumone wants a chin strp, maybe you like like a douche
ReplyDeleteagreed. when Big Pun had it, it was the late 90's and that was the street look. thats not the best example also cos that's borderline beard.
Deletei got some to say i have chin strap and you no what ur probly one those guys that cant grow facial hair and if u do u grow it in patches lmao so dude ur the douche!!!!
ReplyDeleteGuys who grow chinstraps do so precisely BECAUSE they can't grow full beards.
Deletehahaha truth ^
Delete^ ^ I'm 15 and that's why I have one
Deleteim 17 and probably have a thicker beard then all of yall and i have a chin strap it might be true that pencil thin chin straps are douch thing but a reagular non douch bag chin strap is dope as hell
Deleteand your not even funny lol you have a gay ass sense of humor bet your a lil queer
DeleteI like chin straps, their sexy. And no sorry I don't agree. And I like loud honda's as well. Soo....I don't see your point, Maybe you're just a computer nerd who can't look sexy in anything so you hide behind your computer screen. :)
ReplyDelete↑ :) and the only ones who care..
ReplyDeleteI love reading through your post, I wanted to leave a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuation. Wishing you the best of luck for all your blogging efforts.
ReplyDeleteExhaust Tip
What the fuck are you talking about? Not everyone with chin straps or chin curtains look like a douche. Chin straps and chin curtains look cool, and the "overweight" guy's name was "Big Pun". He was a great rapper, and he's dead. So it's fucked up your making fun of someone dead. Plus, chin straps are just something for guys to be happy with, believe they like it and look cool, with it. That's them, they're doing themselves, so stop being the judge of that. Who do you think you are? The fashion police? Like fuck out of here, and leave people's images alone, since not every one's gonna agree with you.
ReplyDeleteI see the Chin Strap Cavalry has come to the defense. I can smell the douchebaggery from here. I am sadly one of the people who tried this chin strap thing in college and realized that I looked like a tool.
ReplyDeleteits not that serious...its just a style of facial hair that people like and think it looks cool, besides if somebody is gonna judge you just by your facial hair, then they got some serious problems, btw that "obese" man you were disrespecting, is one of the greatest rappers of all time...im not going to curse you out or make a big deal, its just my two cents
ReplyDeleteFacial hair is just facial hair my friend..what matters is how you wear it and if YOU are happy with it..I was the guy with barely any facial hair until my mid twenties and the strap just happens to be my favorite.
ReplyDeletemy friend just made fun of a guy with a chin strap. the guy got really upset. it was funny.
ReplyDeletemate Honda civics if done right are beasts. yes I have a chinstrap aswell. that's because I'm 16 and the way my facial hair naturaly grows seeing as I can't drow a full beard, idgaf what your oppinion is and if you wanna make the world chin strap free good luck buddy. the only people that judge me are people that can't grow facial hair... sounds like jeloucy to me, and last of all don't hate on larger people they are who they are and if he is a famous rapper clearly he is happy with the way he looks. if people want a chinstrap let the baby have it's bottle..
ReplyDeleteI'm considering how I'm going to style my beard. I wanted to try the chin strap, the mutton chops, or the chin curtain beard. I used to just do the full beard until I seen how bad my facial hair looks (like pubic hair on my face), and how sparse it is in places (patchy on my cheeks), and so a full beard for me looks embarrassing. Right now, I'm leaning towards a chin-strap-goatee thing. I once tried a crescent-shaped goatee that sat right under my chin. But I haven't stopped to reconsider these ideas, and wondered if, instead of adding personality, or character, to my look, I might come off looking like a tool, or a douche, like the Jersey Shore reject pictured above (the only actual legitimate douche featured on this blog [except maybe for the blogger]). I've seen some guys with this type of beard that struck me as tools, and so I worried about the association I might have with them if I adopted this kind of beard style. Although I'd try to put my own stamp on it, and make it look unique. Overall, I don't think it looks so bad, and it depends on the guy.
ReplyDeleteReally .... here's the only sensible verdict coming from the only sensible person on this page: it doesn't fucking matter. I believe in the freedom of the individual. You can dress or adorn yourself in ANY WAY YOU WANT. I don't care if I don't like it. I don't care if I wouldn't do the same thing. It all depends on what YOU want to do, and fuck all with the rest. You might not have a style I like. So the hell what? Usually, I'll be cool about it, and not rip on you for it. I'm pretty accepting, and open-minded - pretty much down with however you want to be, even if I don't like you. It's a matter of the individual's choice, no matter how freakish; and I'm not about to ostracize you for it like a vicious, feeble-minded, elementary school kid, who feels repulsion at people's differences, and is insecure and confused about their place in the world, and has to open their foolish little mouths at any person who sticks out. You don't like the chin strap? Then don't wear it.
Some of this blog was actually funny, and written decently. Mostly it oozed the insecurity, sexual frustration, and male-cattiness of yet another of these sad, pathetic, angry Internet men with no sense of fashion (admitted), style, what women want, what to do with women, or what to do with their lives. That was just too thickly palpable here, and I'd really rather not sit in the light of judgment from a much lesser man.
two words for everyone. Asuma Sarutobi. I agree i think pencil chin straps are kind of ridiculous just because i'd never care that much about how i look to be so diligent everyday. but chin strap beards are sweet but for some reason noone really does them, chin strap beards are just like managed beards, not facial pedecures
ReplyDeletethis might help explain the chin strap better http://www.cracked.com/funny-3782-chin-strap-beards/
ReplyDeleteI'm not skinny, but im not "obese" eather... and i ROCK THE HELL OUT OF A BEARD AND A CHIN STRAP!!!! But it being compared to a Honda. Now that's offensive. Lol Chin straps work for me! ;)
ReplyDeleteI once accidentally the chin strap. I couldn't for an entire week! Though, you should be a shamed of yourself for like this.
ReplyDeleteahahaha this is the funniest shit ive seen in a while...nobody gives a fuck about your opinion...do you not have anything better to do? You probably dont even have pubes yet facial hair...why dont you stop rubbing yourself at the computer and try to find some ladies bro ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd no, lipstick on your hand does not count as a blowjob either..
ReplyDeleteIve had a chinstrap for the past 4 years, and im no man whore, but in those 3 years ive dated some of the best looking women around; as far as im concerned, its classy and women like it, along with facial hair in general. #chinstrap4life
Dude, really? Chin straps to me and everyone else that I go to school with are cool. I just did mine a couple weeks ago, and even my old uncle thinks its cool! you are probably the ONLY one that thinks this way. You probably think this because YOU CANT GROW FACIAL HAIR!! Anyways, please reply, I REALLY want to hear what you think.
ReplyDeleteLol look at all these faggy chinstrap-beard wearing douchebags in this thread, hilarious
ReplyDeletebitch please, it only makes you a douche if you wear it pencil thin, but if you keep it atleast a cm and a half it makes you look like a champion, growing a beard isnt about faggy little womans fashion, its about being a fucking man and growing a beard, if you dont like my beard, then suck my dick, im not comforming to you, you and the guys that are in this thread calling non pencil chinstraps douchy are just jelous that they cant grow a beard
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff, keep up the good fight!
ReplyDeleteChinstraps & Jersey Shore = Douchebags
whats crazy is u show pics of well maintained chinstraps and ridicule them...then u show a pic of a man with a nasty, unmanaged, pube looking beard and call it respectable..smh...u must be one of them back woods ass boys
ReplyDeleteThe guy who posted this must really be worth everyone's time since their taking it out of their day to chirp this kid's post about his opinion. You're simply giving him the attention he wants you know what they say "any press is good press" I think everyone shouldn't have to externally state their opinion of someone's opinion and just make your own life choices nuff said
ReplyDeleteGuys who use a middle school word like douchebag have no credit. I wear my pencil line chin strap- that was faster to shape than shaving my jaw- with pride while I'm at the club with the hottest chick in there, while your ok chick and the guy next to you's chick is sweating my nuts. Yet I walk away knowing you seen a guy that can take care of himself and you wasted your whole night hating and being jealous of me. Just as I have wasted time on this post. Chix cry when I shave mine off. Grow a dick, and learn how to get hot chix who r freaks in the bed. Have fun gettin your jealous on cunts
ReplyDelete^^^ according to this gentleman all you need is a pencil line chin strap to get hot chicks hahaha im sure he spends all his money on buying girls drinks too like the stud he thinks he is. im sure if a girl said she liked his ed hardy shirt he would be flattered and not even realize she was making fun of him. Sadly " ITS NOT THE CHIC STRAP THAT MAKES THE DOUCHE, BUT THE DOUCHE THAT MAKES THE CHIN STRAP!"
ReplyDeletethe poster of this blog is probably a flaming homosexual who doesnt know anything about the world. chin straps are for people to have a beard and still look professional doing so. the 'obese' guy was a legendary rapper, which shows that you have no affilliation with modern culture. please, the world a favor and stop wasting our oxygen. go talk to your mom, cause im sure you still live with her, and tell her your sorry. then go into your room and shove one of your star wars action figures up your ass and hang yourself from your ceiling fan. your a fucking waste of life and deserve to die and rot in the ground as maggots eat your carcass. fuck you blogger
ReplyDeleteFunny that I can grow a full beard but choose to keep it neatly trimmed. Also all I have got is compliments on my chinstrap. Only one guy made a negative comment and he can't even grow facial hair so therefore it doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteDouchebags insult and talk shit about people, the blogger is insulting and talking shit about people, the blogger is a douchebag. Proof you don't need a chin strap beard to be a douche. Funny how stuff is sometimes!
ReplyDeleteI don't give a fuck what this blogger says who are you to tell people that their facial hair is douchey just because some idiots who had that style were douchey doesn't mean that every1 who has is chinstrap is douchey
ReplyDeleteLook at the Douchebag brigade launch their "Summers Eve" offensive at the blogger... You know, those men that talk big about all the gash they are clocking at the clubs are the dickbeaters that live in their parents house watching free internet porn, and popping zits alone on Friday and Saturday nights.
ReplyDeleteDo not think that I am the only one with "these" feelings towards your offensive use of the English language. "There" are millions of others who will agree with me. When I see man who doesn't understand the difference between "there" and "their" and still posts a written blog in public, I instinctively dislike you. Even though you may very well be a nice person my first impression is that you are an ignorant tool bag who thinks of himself as a writer of some sort, yet would fail elementary school English class.
ReplyDeleteGirls love the Douchebag look so this just convinced me even more that I should thin my chin strap a little more
ReplyDeleteGirls love the Douchebag look so this just convinced me even more that I should thin my chin strap a little more
ReplyDeleteThis is a great inspiring article.I am pretty much pleased with your good work.You put really very helpful information. Keep it up. Keep blogging. Looking to reading your next post.
ReplyDeleteclassy beard styles
yo ur pussy, us puerto ricans and blacks have grossly thick facial hair that has to be cut n clean if we want to grow it out. sorry we don't have little thin white boy hairs. maybe u should look at it from a cultural perspective. have you ever took a second to realize, that 90% of the people who cut their facial hair like this, have VERY THICK THICK BLACK UNTAMED FACIAL HAIR!!! IT ONLY LOOKS GOOD WHEN IT CUT THIN!!!! SORRY WE DONT HAVE LITTLE RED BEARDS THAT GROW IN PERFECTLY!!!
ReplyDeleteJs. I have a chi strap because my friend DS say it looks good on me and the girls love it, I could grow a full beard, but I'm not a full beard guy. Also, opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one, some just smell worse than others.