Oh ladies! look at how douchie I am. |
To those who rock a chin strap beard, I am not here to insult you I am only hear to educate you. Lets face it! I dont expect everyone to have a fashion sense or be current with the newest trends because i have neither.
Mugatu |
Chin Strap Beards on the other hand need to be addressed.
They just make you look like a Douche!
In Park and your still annoying people with your gayness |
Do not think that I am the only one with theses feeling towards your offensive facial hair, their are millions of others who will agree with me. When I see man with a chin strap in public I instinctively dislike you. Even though you may very well be a nice person my first impression is that you are a Douche. Think of it this way, its like adding a loud farty exhaust to your honda civic. Im sure you get my point now.
Exhibit. A.
Pecker Thin
Flaming Douche |
WHY? is correct! A pencil thin chin strap looks as though you decided to shave your face but at the last second stopped. Maybe your batteries in your electic razor ran out, maybe you were interrupted by a episode of Jersey Shore. Either way Just KEEP GOING and shave it off and you wont look like a douche anymore. Well.. if you still had spiked hair and orange skin like this guy your still a douche, but thats a hole other can of worms.
Chin Memories
Sympathetic Douche |
This one I can Sympathize with. Your fat and you miss your chin so in order to get it back you leave a strap of hair to remind you where your jaw line used to be before you were obese. You have three options here, 1- You can go on a diet to lose weight until your chin is visible again and shave your face. Or 2- You can shave your face and accept that you will never see your chin again as it is suffocated by your fat. And finally 3- You can grow a real mans beard to hide your chinlessness thus becoming that bearded fat man that everyone loves!
Respectable ! |
If I can get one person to shave their chin strap off then I have done my job. It is up to you the readers to circulate this message in hopes that eventually the world will be Chin Strap FREE! You Strap-ons may just think that everyone around you is laughing at some joke but they are actually laughing at you and your stupid chin strap. So Save yourselves the embarrassment and humiliation, loose the Chin Strap and you will lose the douche (appearance)!!